
CN 51-1675/C

朱罗莎 反叛亦或规训: “女性主义”公众号叙事分析与反思[J 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2020,39(1):102 − 112 . DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2020.01.011
引用本文: 朱罗莎 反叛亦或规训: “女性主义”公众号叙事分析与反思[J 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2020,39(1):102 − 112 . DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2020.01.011
ZHU Luo-sha. To Rebel or to Discipline:Narrative Analysis and Reflection of the “Feminism” Official Account[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2020, 39(1): 102-112. DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2020.01.011
Citation: ZHU Luo-sha. To Rebel or to Discipline:Narrative Analysis and Reflection of the “Feminism” Official Account[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2020, 39(1): 102-112. DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2020.01.011


To Rebel or to Discipline:Narrative Analysis and Reflection of the “Feminism” Official Account

  • 摘要: 微信公众号的广泛使用带动了一批以女性为主要受众的公众号的迅猛发展。这些公众号或以塑造独立自主的现代女性为标签,或冠以提升女性幸福指数之名义,围绕女性情感、生活、工作等话题,大多用犀利尖酸的文风吸引了大量粉丝。然而,这些女性主义公众号的根本目的是否在于推动两性平等,谋求女性解放?通过分析这一类公众号所推送文本的立场、主题和语言,可发现其看似倡导现代女性反叛传统,实际却是在父权凝视下,矮化女性形象、固化刻板印象,在事实上是对女性行为的规训。这类公众号利用“她经济”消费性别符号,利用“眼球经济”转卖注意力,达到公众号自身增值、获得资本利润的根本目的。


    Abstract: The widespread use of WeChat official account has led to the rapid development of a batch of official accounts with women as the main audience, the sharp and tart writing style of which has attracted lots of fans on topics like feminine emotions, life, work, etc. through either the label of shaping independent modern female image or the name of promoting female happiness index. However, does the fundamental purpose of these feminist official accounts lie in advancing gender equality and seek women’s emancipation? In this paper, by analyzing the position, theme and language of the text sent by such kind of official account, it finds that, behind the seeming reconstruction of modern female image, final consequences are nevertheless the amphoteric antagonism and sexual conflict, the female image dwarf and non-rational stereotyping. Therefore, it is revealed by this paper that the sex consumption symbol of “her economy” and the attention resale of “eyeball economy” are methods utilized by official accounts to achieve the underlying purpose of self-proliferation and capital profits.


