
CN 51-1675/C


On Cultural Imperialism under the Media Pseudo-environment of "Metaverse"

  • 摘要: “元宇宙”的横空出世不仅伴随数字经济发展和内容技术革新,随着其生态版图的扩张,文化帝国主义也开始尝试掌握并控制“元宇宙”拟态环境中的“信息真相”,从而进行文化侵略与渗透。基于“元宇宙”技术媒介创构的拟态环境,文化帝国主义依托其虚实交织的时空场域得以隐蔽地“野蛮生长”,本质上是超越技术又附着在技术之上的价值观、领导权、话语权等西方意识形态输出。这种文化“同质性”输出一方面不断削弱民族国家的主流文化认同,另一方面,它加剧了社会分化和人际隔阂,特别是青年社群作为“元宇宙”的主要受众,沉浸式体验与“无限制”自由正在宰制青年核心价值认同异化趋向。因此,必须高度警惕“元宇宙”媒介拟态环境中的文化帝国主义倾向,辩证看待其带来的经济利益和文化风险二者间的关系,构筑文化安全的防护网。


    Abstract: "Metaverse" represents the new trend of the future development of science and technology. Its emergence is accompanied by the development of digital economy and the innovation of technical content. The alienation and evolution of technology has quietly taken place under the expansion of its ecological territory, that is, cultural imperialism grasps and controls the "information truth" in the pseudo-environment of "Metaverse", thus carrying out cultural aggression and infiltration. In the pseudo-environment based on the technological media of "Metaverse", cultural imperialism can "savagely grow" covertly by its interwoven space-time field, which is essentially the output of western ideology such as values, leadership and discourse right that transcend technology and attach to it. On the one hand, this kind of cultural "homogeneity" output continuously weakens the mainstream cultural identity of the nation-state; on the other hand, it intensifies social differentiation and interpersonal barriers. At the same time, as the main output source of "Metaverse", the immersion experience and "unlimited" freedom of youth community are dominating the alienation trend of youth core value identity.


