
CN 51-1675/C


Body's Performance, Management and Interaction Order: Erving Goffman's View of Body

  • 摘要: 在全球化和消费主义的作用下,身体成为高度可见的日常管理对象。欧文·戈夫曼聚焦于非言语的互动形式,将身体视为一种符号沟通系统,强调其在互动过程中的表征形式。通过探讨身体化的信息交换,戈夫曼认为感官接收和身体化的信息传达是面对面互动的重要条件,因此人际互动具有心理生物学特征,身体不仅是社会意义的承载者,也是其表达者,此种身体观兼具生物性和社会性。同时,情境化的身体实践和互动管理突显出身体的能动性。戈夫曼关于污名和全控机构的阐述是身体与自我关联的重要体现。戈夫曼的身体观以互动秩序为导向,涉及身体习语、自我的领地和仪式化身体三个维度,同时,他也从身体社会学的角度回答了互动秩序是何以可能的。


    Abstract: Under the influences of globalization and consumerism, human body becomes the highly visible object of management.Goffman focuses on the interactional forms of nonverbal communication, treats body as a crucial symbol system, emphasizing its representational form in the interaction process. On this basis, Goffman discusses bodied information communication, and he considers that organoleptic reception and bodily information convey are important conditions for face-to-face interaction. To Goffman, inter-personal interaction has unavoidable psychobiological characteristics, body is not only the recipient of social meanings, but also its expresser. Therefore, Goffman's view of body has both biological and social characters.Meanwhile, contextualized body practices and body management in the interaction model highlight the activity of body. Goffman's discussions about stigma and total institution are the significant manifestation of body and self-relevance. In general, Goffman's view of body is interaction order-oriented, which includes body idioms, territory of self and ritualized body. Then, Goffman answers the question of how interaction order is possible from the perspective of body sociology.


