
CN 51-1675/C

彭华. 程公说与《春秋分记》[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2020,39(5):30 − 36 . DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2020.05.004
引用本文: 彭华. 程公说与《春秋分记》[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2020,39(5):30 − 36 . DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2020.05.004
PENG Hua. Cheng Gongshuo and His Chun Qiu Fen Ji[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2020, 39(5): 30-36. DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2020.05.004
Citation: PENG Hua. Cheng Gongshuo and His Chun Qiu Fen Ji[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2020, 39(5): 30-36. DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2020.05.004


Cheng Gongshuo and His Chun Qiu Fen Ji

  • 摘要: 眉州丹棱(今属四川)人程公说所著《春秋分记》九十卷,是宋代《春秋》学的重要著作。《春秋分记》在体例上借鉴了《史记》的纪传体,而又有所创新。颇为珍贵的是,《春秋分记》配有十四幅古地图,是名副其实的“图书”。《春秋分记》注重阐发“《春秋》大义”,全书贯串的“大义”集中体现为“大一统”与“尊王攘夷”,并且希望能够“经世致用”。《春秋分记》自淳祐三年(1243)刊刻以来,历代公私书目均有著录。今世所见《春秋分记》的唯一版本是《四库全书》本,而《四库全书》本系宋刻影抄本。


    Abstract: Chun Qiu Fen Ji, written by Cheng Gongshuo of Danling County (in Sichuan Province), is an important work of The Spring and Autumn Annals in the Song Dynasty. It descended the chronicle of The Historical Records in style with some innovation. What's precious is that Chun Qiu Fen Ji was equipped with 14 ancient maps, so it can be regarded as a real "book with map". Chun Qiu Fen Ji focuses on elucidating "the gist of The Spring and Autumn Annals ", which was embodied throughout the book as "unification" and "honour the king and drive off the barbarians", hoping to "be used in governing the country". Since Chun Qiu Fen Ji was published in 1243(the third year of Chunyou in the Southern Song Dynasty), it has been in the list of all records, public and private, in all dynasties. The only version of Chun Qiu Fen Ji handed down is in Si Ku Quan Shu, which is a copy of the Song Dynasty.


