
CN 51-1675/C


Data Governance in Major Public Health Emergencies: Concept System, Realistic Dilemma and Optimization Path

  • 摘要: 运用数据治理防范化解重大风险,提高应对突发公共卫生事件能力,是新时代推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要内容。内涵上,数据治理具有社会/国家治理的一般规定和公约性质,是社会/国家治理的具象和分析。外延上,数据治理是由目标、关系、机制、规则、行为、技术等构成要素形成的整体性的有机体系。在此次新冠疫情防控中,数据治理发挥了巨大作用,同时也暴露出了在主体(关系)、机制、规范、技术等方面的现实困境。要破解数据治理困境,应优化四条路径:价值层面,数据为本转向人民为本;关系层面,科层管制转向平等共治;机制层面,唯结果论转向重程序化;规范层面,任性人治转向理性法治。


    Abstract: Using data governance to prevent, respond to and resolve major public health emergencies is an important part of the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity in the new era. In terms of connotation, data governance has the nature of general provisions and conventions of social / national governance, and it is the embodiment and analysis of social / national governance. On the extension, data governance is an organic system formed by objectives, relationships, mechanisms, rules, behaviors and technologies. In the new crown epidemic prevention and control, data governance has played a huge role, but also exposed in the main (relationship), mechanism, specification, technology and other aspects of the real dilemma. To solve the dilemma of data governance, we should optimize four paths: from the value level, data-oriented to people-oriented; from the relationship level, bureaucratic control to equal co governance; from the mechanism level, results oriented theory to procedural; from the normative level, willful human governance to rational rule of law.


