
CN 51-1675/C


On the Description of Li Bing-related Inscriptions Written in Previous Dynasties

  • 摘要: 2000多年来都江堰地区留存了大量的与李冰相关的石刻碑记。从其内容上来看,有的是人们对李冰治水功绩的缅怀;有的是人们对历代治水方略的总结归纳;还有的是时人对修缮都江堰工程及庙宇的记录。碑记的作者群体以历代西南地区的行政官员为主,涵盖了文人墨客、普通群众等社会阶层。国家政权的推崇、民间对李冰的崇拜以及文人墨客的喜好等共同促进了与李冰相关碑记在都江堰地区的广泛流布。


    Abstract: A large number of stone inscriptions related to Li Bing have been retained in Dujiangyan for more than 2000 years.Judging from the contents, some of them cherish the memory of Li Bing's achievements in water control, others are summary of water control strategies in past dynasties, still others are the record of the renovation of Dujiangyan project and temples.Most authors are administrative officials in the southwest regions of the past dynasties, some aremen of letters, ordinary people and other social strata. The admiration of the state power, the worship to Li Bing by people, and the liking of literati have jointly promoted the widespread distribution of inscriptions related to Li Bing in Dujiangyan.


