
CN 51-1675/C


"The Theory of Intention" Is the Latest Theoretical Form of Ideological Party Construction

  • 摘要: 继在庆祝中国共产党成立95周年大会上发表了不忘初心、继续前进的重要讲话后,党的十九大上,习近平总书记进一步诠释了中国共产党人的初心,形成当代中国共产党人的“初心论”。“初心论”高举理想信念旗帜,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,坚持思想建党与制度治党相结合,全面净化党内政治生态,促进了思想建党学说的重大发展。思想建党永远在路上,在实践中要努力构筑“不忘初心”的内化机制、监督机制、纠错机制和评价机制,注重提高思想建党的质量和实效。


    Abstract: Abstract:On the CPC's 95th founding anniversary, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered the speech concerning "be faithful to our original aspiration and continue marching forward". Then, on the 19th CPC National Congress, he made further efforts to elucidate the original intention of the Chinese communists, taking shape "the theory of intention" of contemporary communist. This theory holds highly the banner of ideal faith, insists the development thought centered on people, upholds the organic unity of the Party in ideology and the system comprehensively, purifies the Party's political ecology, and promotes the great development of the theory of ideological Party construction.Ideological Party construction should always be on the way, demanding the construction of internalization mechanism, supervision mechanism, error correction mechanism and evaluation mechanism in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of ideological construction.


