
CN 51-1675/C


How Narrate Rewind:Time's Arrow in Different Narrative Media

  • 摘要: 不同媒介中倒转叙述出现的时间并不一致:历史久远的文字叙述直到20世纪才开始出现系统的倒转叙述,而动态影像的叙述则几乎一开始就有意识地运用倒转叙述。这样,时间上的差异体现的是媒介不同的特质,文字映射到对象,形成方向时素,影响受述者对时间方向的感知;动态影像的方向时素存在于文本之中;静态影像与音乐则是由解释规范投射进一个时间的方向。叙述行为在文字、影像、音乐上影响人们的时间观,媒介的进化产生了倒转叙述,拓宽了叙述的时间操控,这种更新及其持续的发展无疑会反过来影响人们的时间观念。


    Abstract: Rewinding narration appears at inconsistent time in different narrative media: In writing, rewinding narration did not appear until the 20th century, while the motion pictures consciously used the rewinding narrative from the very beginning. This tells the different qualities of narrative media: writing affect the perception of the direction of time by mapping to other objects that exist in our real life, while motion pictures by putting the direction chronym in text itself, and still images and music by mapping the direction chronym through motivation in use. Narrative behavior affects our concept of time in words, images and music. The development of media creates rewinding narration, expand the methods of expression and in return renew our concept of time.


