
CN 51-1675/C


Teachers' Moral Accountability of Primary and Secondary School in Hong Kong:Content, Characteristics and Enlightenment

  • 摘要: 香港中小学师德问责制采用的是以学校问责为主、校外问责为辅的问责模式,建立了完善的中小学教师职业培养制度和师德评价制度,形成了问责主体多元化、问责对象专业自主化、问责过程程序化和群体参与的中小学师德问责制度体系。在借鉴香港中小学师德问责制的经验的基础上,内地应该加强非师范生职前培养、加强问责手段的实证性和科学性、重视学校问责的作用和提高教育主管部门的问责服务水平等四个方面寻求师德问责体系完善的途径。


    Abstract: Hong kong's primary and secondary school teachers' moral accountability system adopts an accountability model that is mainly based on school accountability and supplemented by off-campus accountability. It has established a complete professional training and moral evaluation system in primary and secondary schools, and has formed the system of accountability for primary and secondary school teachers with characteristics of multiple accountability subjects, professional autonomy of accountability objects, institutionalization and group participation of the accountability process. Drawing on the experience of teachers' moral accountability of primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, mainland China should seek ways to improve the teachers' moral accountability system:(1) strengthening the pre-vocational training of non-normal school students; (2) strengthening the Empirical and scientific nature of the means of accountability; (3) paying attention to the accountability within schools; (4) improving the level of accountability services of education authorities.


