
CN 51-1675/C

李祥林. 先祖敬奉 族群想象 文化认同——从四川茂县“中国羌城”说开去[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2017, 36(3): 10-17.
引用本文: 李祥林. 先祖敬奉 族群想象 文化认同——从四川茂县“中国羌城”说开去[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2017, 36(3): 10-17.
LI Xiang-lin. Ancestor Worship, Ethnic Imagination and Cultural Identity: from "China Qiang City" in Maoxian, Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2017, 36(3): 10-17.
Citation: LI Xiang-lin. Ancestor Worship, Ethnic Imagination and Cultural Identity: from "China Qiang City" in Maoxian, Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2017, 36(3): 10-17.

先祖敬奉 族群想象 文化认同——从四川茂县“中国羌城”说开去

Ancestor Worship, Ethnic Imagination and Cultural Identity: from "China Qiang City" in Maoxian, Sichuan Province

  • 摘要: 祭祖意味着寻根:寻家族之根,寻民族之根,寻历史之根,寻文化之根。这无论对于个体还是群体而言都是关系自我身份的极重要问题。古“羌”曾是驰骋中国西北的族群的泛称,如今聚居在四川西北部岷江上游的羌族是其后裔的一支。当代川西北尔玛人祭祖认祖的族群寻根意识,在羌文化核心区茂县以“中国羌城”命名的建筑群中有鲜明体现。文章从祭祀先祖的羌城神庙中的元昊纪念大殿切入,立足笔者在川西北羌族地区的田野走访,结合羌族社会、历史、文化的若干事象,透视其中的族群心理和文化认同问题,对于我们认识当下语境中的中国羌族及其文化有重要意义。


    Abstract: Offering sacrifice to ancestors, a process to find the roots of our family, nation, history and culture, is very important to our self-identity either as an individual or an ethnic group. The ancient "Qiang" was a general term for the ethnic groups who lived in northwest China. Today, the Qiang people living in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River in northwestern Sichuan are descendants of the ancient "Qiang". Nowadays, the tribal consciousness of ancestors of Erma people is clearly shown in the building clusters named "China Qiang City" in Maoxian which is the center for Qiang culture. Starting from the ancestral sacrifice of Yuan Hao Memorial Halls in the Qiang temple, based on the field investigation in northwest Sichuan Qiang area and other things about Qiang society, history and culture, this paper explores in depth the problem of ethnic psychology and cultural identity, which is important for us to understand Chinese Qiang and its culture in the present context.


