On Changes in Psychology of Zhang Jie's Novel Creation
摘要: 张洁的小说创作,不单表现出独特的创作风格,更表现出意识深层创作心理的特殊性。从张洁作品的文本意义出发,结合她的身世,用精神分析的方法解释其作品,就会发现其潜藏着的创作心理——“恋母”意识。这种深层次的“恋母”意识又在不断的嬗变之中,外在表现为多变的理想主义文学风格。Abstract: Zhang Jie's novel creation is reflected by both unique writing style and profound particularity of psychology of creation. We will find her potential psychology of creation, i.e., "mother" consciousness, if we start with textual meanings of Zhang Jie's works, combine with her life experiences, and use psychanalysis to explain her works. This deep "mother" consciousness also varies constantly, which is reflected by changing literary style of idealism outwardly.