
CN 51-1675/C


On Su Shi's Inheritage and Development of the Poetics of Du Fu

  • 摘要: 苏轼诗学是杜甫诗学的延伸和发展。杜甫诗学内容丰富,特色鲜明。杜甫创造了自己的诗学理论,又将它积极地付诸实践。从创作上看,杜甫的诗歌涵盖了宽广的门类,而其根本原因是唐代生活的丰富性。唐帝国的世界中心地位为唐代诗人提供了宽广的视域和众多的创作题材。苏轼是生活在杜甫之后的又一位伟大的中国诗人。苏轼在继承杜甫的基础上创立了自己独特的诗学理论,其显著特点是与文章学理论紧密相连。宋代文化高度发达,当时中国享有东方文艺复兴的盛誉。在此大背景之下,苏轼诗歌所涵盖的门类更为宽广,以至于到了诗歌题材寻常化的地步。在西方大诗人中,克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂与杜甫和苏轼具有较强的可比性。在比较中我们可以发现苏轼诗歌寻常化的动力因,即苏轼宗教观的巨大包容性。


    Abstract: Du Fu's poems featured a very broad range, which is the expression of the Great Tang Dynsaty. Du not only established his own poetic theory but also put it into practice. As a productive poet of the Song Dynasty, Su Shi extended and developed Du's poetic theory and created his own. Su's poems featured a close connection of article-ology and a broader range of varieties. Written in a period which was called the Oriental Renaissance, there was much comparability between the poems of Du, Su and those of Christina Rossetti. From the comparison, the motivation of Su's ordinariness is discovered: the inclusiveness of his religious vie.


