From "Organized Simplicity" to "Expressiveness": On Differences in Writing Theories Between Ou Yangxiu and Su Shi
摘要: 欧阳修放苏轼“出一头地”之语, 反映了欧阳修清醒的认知:意识到苏轼文章思想与自己截然不同, 预感这个年轻后生的文学事业将是超越自己的别样存在。正当欧阳修引经据典为自己一生文章实践的理论总结“简而有法”说进行辩护时, 苏轼也恰好在文坛初露峥嵘, 别开生面, 倡导“随物赋形”, 将“无为法”引入“辞达而已”说, 使得“辞达而已”成为完全不同于欧阳修“简而有法”说的别一种文法论思想, 彻底摆脱了经学对于文章学的掌控。Abstract: When Ou Yangxiu said, "Su Shi standsout", he knew that Su's idea about writing was conspicuously different from that of his own and Su style would become an original existence in literary circle.While Ou was arguing for his writing theory "organized simplicity", Su was a rising star in the literary circle.He advocated "form based on objects" and "no fixed practice", that is, "just to be expressive".Different from "organized simplicity", "just to be expressive" tried to escape the dominance of Confucian studies over writing theories.