
CN 51-1675/C


Philosophy of History and Literary Features of The History of Southern Tang by Lu You

  • 摘要: 《南唐书》是陆游存世的唯一一部史学著作,展现了陆游非凡的史学修养,在后世获得了很高评价。从另一角度讲,《南唐书》也属于陆游散文创作的有机组成。其文史兼得的卓越成就,无疑得益于作者身兼史学家与文学家的双重身份。《南唐书》以史为鉴,通过对历史人物的褒贬寄寓现实关怀,其著史理念颇具“春秋笔法”。与此相应,《南唐书》的文学成就集中体现在人物塑造的忠奸对立以及历史叙事的细节传神上,对此,前人尚未给予应有的重视和评述。本文以为,从文史互通的角度探究《南唐书》所蕴含的著史理念及文学特点,所得必多。


    Abstract: The History of Southern Tang is Lu You's only historical work survived. It revealed the unusual historical mastering of Lu You, winning high appraisal from the later scholars. Besides, The History of Southern Tang is also a part of Lu You's prose writing. Its proficiency in both literature and history, undoubtedly benefits from Lu You's identity that both as a writer and historian. The literary achievement of The History of Southern Tang mainly reflected the striking contrast between loyalty, evil and comments of a down-to earth analyses on figures of historic importance. In this regard, previous studies lack due attentions. From the perspective of the fusion between literature and history to study the historical ideas and literary features, many achievements can present themselves.


