
CN 51-1675/C

葛文峰. 海外汉学家与香港《译丛》的中国文学编选及译介[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2016, 35(6): 86-90, 103.
引用本文: 葛文峰. 海外汉学家与香港《译丛》的中国文学编选及译介[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2016, 35(6): 86-90, 103.
GE Wen-feng. The Overseas Sinologists and Hong Kong Renditions: the Selection, Edition and Translation of Chinese Literature[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2016, 35(6): 86-90, 103.
Citation: GE Wen-feng. The Overseas Sinologists and Hong Kong Renditions: the Selection, Edition and Translation of Chinese Literature[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2016, 35(6): 86-90, 103.


The Overseas Sinologists and Hong Kong Renditions: the Selection, Edition and Translation of Chinese Literature

  • 摘要: 香港《译丛》是中国文学对外译介与国际传播的一个典范。在其主创出版者与撰稿人群体中,海外汉学家是一支重要力量。在文学编选方面,他们的跨文化身份明确了域外读者的阅读期待,他们的学术关注点又将选材进一步聚焦,最终选定代表性的中国文学篇目。而且,在具体的文学翻译实践中,近乎直译的汉学翻译方法与相关研究性文本相结合,是一种全方位深度传译的“丰厚翻译”模式。因此,在中国文学“走出去”进程中,海外汉学家群体的地位与作用亟需得到学界的肯定。


    Abstract: Hong Kong Renditions is a model of Chinese literature translation and international dissemination. Among its publishers and contributors, overseas sinologists are an important group. In literature selection and edition, their cross-culture identity clears the foreign readers' expectation. Their academy furthers on selection, and ultimately focuses on the classical Chinese literature. Furthermore, in the process of literature translation, sinologists combine translation and academic texts, which is the "Thick Translation" model in effectively cultural convey. Therefore, in "Chinese Literature 'Going-out'", overseas sinologists' status and effect should be noted by academia.


