
CN 51-1675/C

张春义, 黄海. 大晟府词人江汉与南宋诗人江朝宗考辨[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2015, 34(3): 27-31, 37.
引用本文: 张春义, 黄海. 大晟府词人江汉与南宋诗人江朝宗考辨[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2015, 34(3): 27-31, 37.
ZHANG Chun-yi, HUANG Hai. Jiang Han, Da-Sheng Musical Ministry Ci-poet and Jiang Chaozong, South-Song Dynasty Poet[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2015, 34(3): 27-31, 37.
Citation: ZHANG Chun-yi, HUANG Hai. Jiang Han, Da-Sheng Musical Ministry Ci-poet and Jiang Chaozong, South-Song Dynasty Poet[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2015, 34(3): 27-31, 37.


Jiang Han, Da-Sheng Musical Ministry Ci-poet and Jiang Chaozong, South-Song Dynasty Poet

  • 摘要: 衢州之江汉与句容之江汉实非同一人。考衢州之江汉,字朝宗,浙江衢县人,曾任大晟府制撰官,学界所称“大晟府词人”者即此人;而句容之江汉为绍兴十二年进士,江苏句容县人,与秦桧为同乡。衢州之江汉因于政和六、七年间任密州通判时与秦桧有同僚关系,故学界误以衢州之江汉与句容之江汉为同一人。又学界常误以衢州之江汉、句容之江汉与南宋江朝宗为同一人。今考南宋名“江朝宗”者实有三人,即“括苍江朝宗”、“临海江朝宗”、“临川江朝宗”。括苍江朝宗主要生活于乾道、淳熙间,浙江丽水市人,曾任剡县主簿,吴芾、范成大均有诗送之;临海江朝宗,字平仲,浙江临海市人,嘉定十三年进士,嘉熙三年任平江府教授;临川江朝宗,名江汇,字朝宗,江西临川市人,绍兴六年左右任荆州教官。


    Abstract: People usually mistook Jiang Han from Quzhou for Jiang Han from Jurong. The former, with an adult name Chaozong("zi") and from Qu County in Zhejiang, was known as Da-Sheng Musical Ministry ci-poet because he was Zhi-Zhuan official in it, while the latter, Jingshi in 1142 A.D., came from Qin Hui's hometown. As the deputy executive of Mizhou District from 1116 to 1117, Jiang Han from Quzhou had Qin Hui as his colleague, which led to the confusion of the two persons. In addition, contemporary scholars often regard Jiang Han from Quzhou, Jiang Han from Jurong and Jiang Chaozong in South-Song Dynasty as the same person. According to the relevant record, there are three famous men named Jiang Chaozong in South-Song Dynasty, who were from three different places: Kuocang, Linhai and Linchuan. As the Zhu-Bu, a junior official of Shan County, Jiang Chaozong from Kuocang, was born in Lishui, Zhejiang and stayed alive between 1165 and 1189, kept in touch with Fan Chengda and Wu Fu, two famous poets in South-Song Dynasty. As the Jingshi in 1220, Jiang Chaozong from Linhai (with an adult name Pingzhong)was born in Linhai, Zhejiang Province, and assumed the Professor of Pingjiang in 1239. But Jiang Chaozong in Linchuan (with the name Jiang Hui)was born in Linchuan, Jiangxi Province, and served as the drillmaster of Jingzhou in 1136.


