
CN 51-1675/C

李玲琳. 辜正坤五美论视域下《柯森斯海边小湾》汉译本评析——以郑敏译本为例[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2017, 36(6): 92-95.
引用本文: 李玲琳. 辜正坤五美论视域下《柯森斯海边小湾》汉译本评析——以郑敏译本为例[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2017, 36(6): 92-95.
LI Ling-lin. Appreciation of Zheng Min's Chinese Version of Corsons Inlet from the Perspective of Gu Zhengkun's Five-beauties of Poetry Theory[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2017, 36(6): 92-95.
Citation: LI Ling-lin. Appreciation of Zheng Min's Chinese Version of Corsons Inlet from the Perspective of Gu Zhengkun's Five-beauties of Poetry Theory[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2017, 36(6): 92-95.


Appreciation of Zheng Min's Chinese Version of Corsons Inlet from the Perspective of Gu Zhengkun's Five-beauties of Poetry Theory

  • 摘要: 《柯森斯海边小湾》是A.R.安蒙斯生态诗的代表作。著名的九叶派诗人郑敏是我国译介安蒙斯诗歌的第一人, 她早于1987年就汉译了《柯森斯海边小湾》一诗, 并将此诗收录于《美国当代诗选》。文章根据辜正坤先生的五美论, 分析《柯森斯海边小湾》原诗及郑敏的译文, 并结合自己的理解指出郑敏教授译文可商榷之处及可取之处, 以期为诗歌翻译提供有益参考。


    Abstract: Corsons Inlet is A. R. Ammons's representative work among his ecological poems. And Zheng Min, the famous Nine-leaf poet, first translated Ammons's Corsons Inlet into Chinese in 1987 and collected it into American Contemporary Poetry. With Gu Zhengkun's Five-beauties of Poetry Theory, the author of this paper appreciates Ammons's Corsons Inlet as well as Zheng Min's Chinese version of Corsons Inlet, and points out some debatable and valuable translation of Zheng's version, expecting to provide some reference for poetry translation.


