
CN 51-1675/C


On Optimizing Civil Mediation in Liangshan Yi District Court—"Degu" Being Special People's Assessor

  • 摘要: 基于凉山彝族地区“德古”调解的既有传统及优点,凉山州两级法院经过实践探索,建立了特邀人民陪审员制度,即通过将“德古”聘为特邀人民陪审员,充分发挥“德古”调解的作用,从而使之更好地优化法院民事调解工作。但这一制度在实践中还存在一些不足,因此应通过对“德古”进行法律知识培训、加强对“德古”调解案件的指导、以国家法为指导的同时结合合理的彝族习惯法等,来进一步完善特邀人民陪审员制度。


    Abstract: The courts in China's Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture have built a system which invites "Degu" specially a people's assessor for turning them to conciliation advantages and optimizing civil mediation, which is on the basis of Degu's traditions and advantages in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture after many years of the courts' exploration and practice. However, there are still some problems in the system of special people's assessor, so it is necessary to train them in legal knowledge and strengthen to guide them in mediation, so as to improve and perfect the system of special people's assessor under the guidance of the national law while combining with the Yi's customs.


