朱弦三叹, 弦外之音——论汉英翻译中的节奏美
A Discussion on the Rhythmic Beauty in the Chinese and English Languages from the Perspective of Comparison
摘要: 汉英语言各具节奏美。本文通过对比汉语和英语在音步、平仄、叠音、押韵、停顿和结构等方面的异同,试图分析两种语言在翻译转换中营造节奏美的不同方式。Abstract: The Chinese and English languages, characterized by their rhythmic features, use different approaches to create the beauty of its phonology. This paper analyzes the rhythmic beauty of the two languages, from the aspect of foot, level and oblique tones, reiterative locution, rhyme, pause, and sentence structure.