To Yibin's Criticism at Ai Qing Chronicle
摘要: 易彬先生撰写的《年谱材料的误用与谱主形象的塑造——对于〈艾青年谱长编〉的批评》一文,批评《艾青年谱长编》存在“误用”、“塑造色彩”和“遮蔽”三个核心问题,同时没有阐述艾青的文艺观点等。本文认为恰恰是该文使用了错误的证据,结论多有主观臆断的成份,而且混淆了年谱与评传文体的本体特征。Abstract: On the misusing of document and the modeling of spectrum figure: criticism at "Ai Qing Chronicle" written by Yibin criticizes the three core issues (misusing, color modeling and shadowing) and the lack of Ai Qing's literary view in Ai Qing Chronicle. However, the paper disagrees with the article for using wrong evidence and subjective assumption, and confusing a chronicle with a biography.