
CN 51-1675/C


On the Influence of Naturalness and Demand on Lexicalization of "Nouns+Orientation" Structure

  • 摘要: 在词汇化研究中我们一般关注组合个体的语义特异性和历史发展过程,本文另辟视角,考察组合的义类共性和现时结果。我们对收录在《现代汉语常用词表》中的“名物+方位”组合进行了考察,发现这种组合的词汇化结果是有一定规律的。在目标词义类范畴与词汇化程度分类基础上,本文通过对义类的方位维度特征、方位不规则个体的特性、名物词的义类特征、义类的词汇化程度差异这四个方面的分析,发现自然度规则和需求量规则对“名物+方位”组合实现词汇化产生影响,并且两种规则的形成受到认知因素的制约。


    Abstract: In lexicalization study, researchers generally focused on the semantic specificity and historical development of a word combination. From different perspective, the paper is to investigate the generality of semantic categories and their synchronic results. Through the investigation of the "Nouns+Orientation" structure in Lexicon of Common Words in Contemporary Chinese, the paper holds the view that there are some rules of semantic categories in lexicalization of the combinations. By analyzing the features of directional dimension, irregular orientation, the semantics of nouns and the difference of lexicalization degree of the combinations, the paper, based on the target semantic category and the degree of lexicalization classification, is to prove the naturalness and demand are the factors that have influenced on the lexicalization of "Nouns+Orientation" combinations and the form of the two kinds of rules are both restricted by the cognitive factors.


